Upcoming Webinars

We are passionate about equipping Health professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their careers. In addition to our Online Certificate Courses, we hold monthly live Webinars, bringing participants the very latest information in Health on a range of subjects, featuring experts in this field.

Our aim is to educate and support General Practitioners, Medical specialists, Nurses and Allied health professionals

Past Webinars

Heat Stress at the Workplace - An Indian Perspective
Personal injury law and disputes in NSW
Working with a mental health condition in the workplace
Managing Health in Healthcare Workers
Managing Reported Chronic Occupational Lung Disorders
Burnout In The Workplace
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - August 29, 2023 MEDEDUCATION ONLINE
Introduction to Environmental Medicine
An Update on Workplace Mental Health Perspectives
Introduction to Occupational Medicine

Meet our Lecturers

Dr Farhan Shahzad

Consultant Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Dr Farhan Shahzad is a highly experienced Consultant Occupational Physician. He is a Fellow of The Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Royal Australasian College of Physicians and also a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland.

Dr Shahzad has an extensive range of professional experience, accreditations and qualifications within the industry.

Associate Professor John Schneider

Consultant Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Associate Professor John Schneider is a Fellow of both the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and Irish Faculty of Occupational Medicine.

He practiced initially as a family physician until 1996 when he gained specialist qualifications in occupational medicine. He continued working in North Queensland as a consultant occupational physician mainly in the mining and agricultural sectors. From 2005-13 he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Health UAE University, lecturing to medical students, GPs and OHS practitioners, as well as consulting to the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi and other organisations in the Middle East. He returned to Mackay in 2014 and resumed part-time work in clinical practice, and medical education with James Cook University as an Associate Professor. He has recently become involved with mededucation online as a foundation part time educator.

His main interests are education in occupational health, rural and remote worksites, ergonomics (particulaly hot environments), and workplace rehabilitation.